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Writing challenge 🐭


Because it was winter my family decided to buy a house….. or you could say a dump before we get i to what is happing right now let me give you a bit of background. When i was 12 years  of age my mother and father decided to move to minsoda  i had to leave  all my friends and family. My grandad past away when i was seven so i figure that my grandmother thinks about him every minute of the day so me now not being their hurts me because I wonder if she will be all alone but she has my brother  I guess. My brother ( Brice ) is twenty seven now and has a family of his own a wife and a dog he treats like his own child. So now Annie bring us back to the house / dump. Okay then. Im am twelve days in to living here now a week and five days and I can Honestly tell you i hate it since i am away from my family but also i keep having nightmares about a boy who lives across the road named rob but his friends call him robby well not many people call him that because he doesn’t really have any friends Therefore i think he is in someway scary i mean i had so many friends when i was in  ( my old town ) so at once

Chapter two coming soon ! 😄

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