
Just another Edublogs site

Rock, Leaf, and stick


Hey bloggers,

Today is the last day of lockdown and all though i love school there has been some positives to this online learning experience. Rock (something that has rocked during online learning.) For me it has been able to spend time with my family, having my dog around has been so enjoyable and i am really going to miss his cute face when we go back to school. Leaf (something you would leave) I Would probably leave the constant screen time, being on a laptop all day sounds fun but not when you are getting constant pains in your neck . Stick ( habits you have created you hope will stick) For me I hope my organisation and time management skills stick with me because it will be very handy for middle school. 👍😀

Thanks for reading see you when I am back at school! 

Rock, Leaf ,and Stick.

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